Use the experience of AAMEG members to identify gaps in your understanding of the matters you need to manage to operate successfully in Africa.

Supporting Australian minerals and energy success in Africa
Founded in 2011, the Australia-Africa Minerals and Energy Group is the peak body representing Australian companies engaged in the development of Africa’s resource industry. We support members operating in Africa and facilitate collaboration between industry, governments, communities, and other stakeholders to ensure that resource development produces sustainable outcomes.
Become an AAMEG member
Membership Benefits
By joining our growing, broad membership base you will become part of, learn from, and contribute to the leading group of mining and energy companies focussed on sustainable development across the African continent.
What We Do
AAMEG advocacy raises the profile of the significant investment and contribution that Australian mineral and energy companies make in Africa, constantly working to ensure our members’ concerns and issues are heard by both Australian and African governments and other key stakeholders.
Through the sharing of knowledge and resources, AAMEG facilitates collaborative solutions by drawing on the experiences of members who are African veterans.
Stay up to date with news and events, exchange ideas, knowledge and develop important cross-sector connections.
Latest Insights
Stay up to date with current practices, trends and issues.
Out of Africa: An update from Roger Staley – CEO
It is pleasing to look back on 2023 and review AAMEG’s achievements. Our membership has grown, we have consistently hosted popular and oversubscribed networking events and the closing cash balance was the highest for three years. Above all, our Annual Awards celebrating Australian ESG leadership in Africa were the biggest and best yet. Full details...
AAMEG Social Aspects Management Handbook
Going into a new area to explore and ultimately build and operate a mine you start with high and positive expectations that you can work constructively with the local communities. Then it goes off the rails. Most often, with good intentions and a focus on an immediate issue, individuals in the company or community will...
GCNA e-learning: Setting net-zero targets
In December 2015, at the Conference of the Parties 21 Climate Conference in Paris, the UN achieved a global climate agreement which requires all countries to pledge action on climate change, with the aim of keeping global warming “well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels” and endeavour to limit it to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Business...
Africa Newsletters & On-line Resources
A new collation of business and African security information sources from the AAMEG team. Please contact the AAMEG team if you would like to suggest additions.
Out of Africa: An update from Roger Staley
It is with great pleasure I write to you from my new post at AAMEG. The transition has been swift and relatively seamless thanks to the support of the Board, Sarah Siva and broader team. Since the beginning of year, we have pressed ahead with numerous events that have enabled me to meet with a...