Grinding mills

Our Story

The Australia-Africa Minerals & Energy Group is the peak body representing Australian companies engaged in the development of Africa’s resource industry. AAMEG facilitates collaboration between our members and all stakeholders to ensure mutually beneficial, sustainable outcomes for all.

man welding


Over the past 20 years, Australian mining companies have taken a dramatically increasing role in exploring and developing mining projects on the African continent, the effects of which have far exceeded that of official Australian Government involvement. Taking up a suggestion by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) that the Australian mining industry consider establishing a representative body to facilitate a more active engagement with government as well as to leverage the industry’s presence on the African continent, the Australia-Africa Minerals & Energy Group was established in 2010 and formally incorporated in April 2011.

In the years since incorporation, AAMEG has built a strong and diverse member base of explorers, operators, contractors, and service organisations all of whom are bound by the AAMEG Charter to support our vision of our industry becoming a world leader in delivering successful mining outcomes and economic development in Africa.

AAMEG’s Strategy to deliver on the vision is focussed on delivering effective Advocacy on behalf of our members, strengthening Connections between members and our Australian, African and other international stakeholders, sharing unique Insights to help our members to address the technical and non-technical risks associated with operating in Africa and show-casing excellence in sustainable development performance through the annual AAMEG-Africa Awards.

Advocacy. Insights. Connections.

By aligning your business with AAMEG, you can influence Australian minerals and energy success in Africa and enhance the reputation and investment climate for the Australian resources industry.


What We Do


As the voice of the industry, we are passionate about and committed to the sustainable and positive economic development of the African Continent and provide advocacy for policy to support and enable positive and equitable fiscal, environmental and social legacies. One of the key advocacy roles AAMEG fulfils on behalf of our members is to raise the profile of the significant investment and contribution that Australian mineral and energy companies make in African countries. We are constantly working to ensure our members’ concerns and issues are heard by both Australian and African governments as well as other key stakeholders.

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AAMEG members have access to first-hand insights that address current operational challenges and best practice. Our business checklists provides the opportunity to use the experience of AAMEG members to identify gaps in your understanding of the matters you need to manage to operate successfully in Africa. The Resources Hub enables members to search, read, watch and download the insights, stories, case studies, research and guidance from the lived experience of AAMEG members and sector specialists. The AAMEG Africa Awards show-case.

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AAMEG exists to forge connections between Australian participants in the minerals and energy industries in Africa and our key stakeholders, both at home and abroad, bringing our members together in a powerful network to share experience and learn from each other and help forge a path to the common goal of sustainable mining in Africa.

Strong connections and relationships contribute to the effectiveness of our Advocacy work, facilitating access to policymakers, government agencies and supporters when our members are impacted by a serious event such as policy or legislative change, pandemic, security threat or natural disaster.

Our reach is extensive and spans government, education, agricultural, legal, finance and accounting, insurance, marketing, social and environmental performance, NGOs and Not-For-Profit – all crucial to mineral and energy industry success in Africa.

Facilitating connections, sharing news, hosting live and on-line events, workshops and training, publications and online platforms bring people together over a common point of interest, ‘doing business in Africa’ and facilitate the exchange of ideas that contribute to the positive development and performance of Australian resource companies in Africa.

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Africa Overview

Where our members operate.

Africa Wide Footprint

Our diverse member base enables us to share knowledge and connections reaching across the entire African continent.