Strategic Community Investment Quick Guide. IFC.

By AAMEG | 1 January 2010

Companies around the world engage in community investment (CI) efforts as a way to promote local development and benefit stakeholders in their areas of operations. Effective community investment programs can help companies gain a social license to operate, access land, reduce project and reputational risks, boost productivity, meet government requirements or global standards, and/or successfully compete for the next venture.

The aim of this handbook is to help companies operating in emerging markets to think strategically about how they can support community investment programs that are successful, sustainable, and consistent with their business objectives. The Handbook is meant for use by anyone who is interested in developing a company-supported community investment program or improving the performance of an existing one.

The content of the Handbook is organized around seven key areas comprising a comprehensive strategic planning framework for community investment. To help users with practical application, the Handbook is also supplemented by additional tools and information which are included in the Tools section or listed under Useful References.