Out of Africa: An update from Bill Witham
By AAMEG | 20 October 2021
The past months have seen me engage in a number of discussions regarding business operations in Africa with a focus on specific countries within the Continent. Recent events like ‘Understanding Opportunities for METS in Africa’ — co-hosted by AAMEG and Austmine — were a good opportunity to address common queries and share approaches to navigating doing business overseas, particularly when we as a country are still experiencing restrictions to travel.
On a government level I am in close consultation with the Assistant Minister for Trade regarding the status of mining companies in Africa and their operations. I am encouraged by the fact that a number of members have felt comfortable to enter their country of operation for an extended period after receiving their vaccinations. When it comes to returning to Australia we will continue to support and advocate on behalf of our members and associations should they require it.
AAMEG’s Board nominations closed on 5 October with a record response – this is testament to our growing reputation, growth and calibre of operations. Board members due for renewal include Andrew Dinning, Ben Gargett and Krista Bates. I would like to personally extend my gratitude to Krista who has chosen to step down after 3 years of invaluable service.
Voting to fill Board positions will take place at our AGM on 18 November and I encourage members to take part in our Board recruitment process, as well as invite non-members to join the proceedings and subsequent drinks.
As we approach the silly season, there’s no end in sight to our networking and development opportunities including our annual Christmas Party on 9 December, sponsored by Mills Oakley and a couple more sundowners before that. Further information is included within, so keep an eye out for how to get involved.
Overseas, we have dearly missed the Cape Town Mining Indaba, but we are hoping to be able to attend the 2022 event, which is scheduled for 9-12 of May. Here is hoping travel restrictions will have eased, enabling West Australians and Australians at large to attend.
While I am hopeful we will see some semblance of our ‘new normal’ by then, we will continue to adapt to the situation as it evolves, regardless.
William (Bill) Witham
To see the full newsletter, including information on the AGM Board Nominations, upcoming events, previous events, our geopolitical seminar series and a special member offer, CLICK HERE
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