History of the IDRAM Initiative

By AAMEG | 30 September 2014


In November 2012, the Australia-Africa Minerals & Energy Group (“AAMEG”) attended a meeting at Chatham House in London on emerging infectious diseases in tropical hotspots around the world, referred to as the IDRAM Initiative (Extractive Industry Infectious Disease Risk Assessment Management).

The IDRAM Initiative is part of the USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats Program, which aims to pre-empt or combat at their source, emerging infectious diseases of animal origin, that pose a threat to human health. As approximately 75% of new human infectious diseases are believed to have emerged from animal reservoirs, they present a risk to resource companies as they, and their surrounding communities, push further and further into previously undisturbed animal habitats. USAID has funded extensive research on these issues over the past five years. Its partners, Ecology & Environment and FHI 360 have developed a toolkit that resource companies are now able to use to examine vulnerabilities to zoonotic disease and consider mitigation measures to reduce the vulnerability.

AAMEG proposed field testing the toolkits in Katanga Province, DRC with well-established mining companies. This region of the world is home to emerging infectious diseases and outbreaks. As AAMEG’s mission is to provide advice and support to the Australian extractives sector companies operating in Africa, our members have enthusiastically supported this initiative.

The IDRAM Initiative commenced in the Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo in June 2014. The current project is focused on the copper industry, led by the Centre for Global Health Security at Chatham House in London, managed by International SOS and funded by USAID.

The mining companies in Katanga involved include Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold (Tenke Fungurume Mine), Tiger Resources (Kipoi Mine), MMG (Kinsevere Mine) and Mawson West (Dikulushi Mine). International SOS has been coordinating the field work and providing the interface between the mining companies, the provincial health authorities, the University of Lubumbashi and the medical team. Four of the five companies above are AAMEG members.

The successful delivery of the IDRAM Initiative will enable companies to develop appropriate mitigation strategies with respect to emerging infectious diseases and disease outbreaks. It will hopefully result in the companies developing, in conjunction with the provincial health authorities, an appropriate first-response capability. It will also enable directors and officers of resource companies to better deliver on their duty of care responsibilities to their employees, as well as to the citizens of the regions in which they operate.


Professor David Heymann – Head of Global Health Security at Chatham House – presented on risk assessment, mitigation and prevention of emerging infectious diseases, with a focus on Ebola at the Africa Down Under Conference in early September 2014. He outlined the role that mining companies can play in mitigation and prevention. Professor Heymann’s presentation is available at: https://aameg.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/2014-IDRAM-David-Heymann-EBOLA-Sept-2014.pdf

The ADU Conference organised a luncheon panel discussion on emerging infectious diseases at Origin’s Restaurant following Professor Heymann’s presentation. The panel comprised Professor Heymann, Francesca Viliani from International SOS, Adam McCarthy Assistant Secretary, Africa Branch, DFAT, and Bill Turner of AAMEG. Among other things, the panel discussion provided the opportunity to present greater detail on the field program in the DRC.

Two interactive workshops on the issue of emerging infectious diseases were subsequently held during the ADU Conference. These were run by Andrew Black from Public Health UK, with support from Francesca Viliani from International SOS, Louise Flynn from the USA’s Emerging Pandemic Threats Program and Dr Osman Dar from Chatham House in London. These workshops provided the opportunity for mining industry members to conduct a review of their state of preparedness for disease outbreaks and to think about risk mitigation measures that could be employed at their operations. The flier for these workshops can be found at: https://aameg.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/2014-IDRAM-Chatham-House-Lunch-ADU-2014.pdf


International SOS is the world’s leading medical and travel security risk services company. It cares for clients across the globe, from more than 700 locations in 89 countries. More than 11,000 employees are led by 1,200 doctors and 200 security specialists. ISOS helps businesses operate globally by assisting them meet their Duty of Care towards their employees.

Chatham House is home to the Royal Institute of International Affairs, a world-leading source of independent analysis, informed debate and influential ideas. It was founded in 1920 and is based in St James’ Square, London. The Chatham House Rule, famous around the world for facilitating free speech and confidentiality at meetings, originated there. The Chatham
House Centre on Global Health Security webpage can be found at: http://www.chathamhouse.org/research/topics/global-health

USAID is the lead U.S. Government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realize their potential. USAID has been the primary funder of the IDRAM Initiative from its beginning in 2012.

FHI 360 is a non-profit human development organization dedicated to improving lives in lasting ways. Its work is grounded in research and science, strengthened by partnerships and focuses on building the capacity of individuals, communities and countries to succeed. FHI 360 has co-developed the risk assessment toolkits that have underpinned the IDRAM Initiative.

Ecology & Environment is a global network of professionals and industry leaders in 85 engineering and scientific disciplines working together to develop and deliver solutions that promote environmental sustainability.