Australia for Cedar Tanzania, Highly Commended Best Innovation in Corporate Social Development 2022 Africa Award

By AAMEG | 2 September 2022

Initiative: Kilimu Bora (Swahili for Smart Farming)

  • Australia for Cedar Tanzania, through its sister organisation The Cedar Foundation Tanzania, is working to create positive sustainable change in rural Tanzania, helping communities to thrive through improving health services, education, empowering women and vulnerable groups, and increasing entrepreneurial opportunities.
  • Meaning ‘Smart Farming’ in Swahili, the Kilimu Bora initiative is focused on food security, entrepreneurship, gender equality, climate change, nutritional health, and the environment. Its first project has been the establishment of mushroom farming, including growth, drying methods, business skills and export agreements.
  • With priority given to young women and to people with disability or their household, participants undergo 8 weeks of training where they are taught the agricultural and business aspects of operating and managing a mushroom farm.
  • Mushroom farming was chosen as a vehicle for agri-business for several reasons –no land required, grown year-round regardless of rain, minimal investment, not labour intensive, and the short growth cycle offers the potential for a quick return on investment – while delivering a product with high nutritional value.
  • Initial pilot project was conducted in Q2 2022 with 100% of participants showing interest and excitement towards setting up their own collaborative farms. An upscaled long-term project plan is expected to start in Q1 2023 pending funding.