Africa Awards 2021 Nominees – Deep Yellow

By AAMEG | 26 August 2021

Image: Deep Yellow gives financial support to Children with Handicap Action in Namibia (C.H.A.I.N.)

Emerging ESG Leader 

ESG In The Context Of A Uranium Explorer In The Pre-development 

  • Advance-stage uranium exploration company in pre-development yet Deep Yellow produced its first sustainability report in 2020 – placing even greater importance and focus on sustainable reporting and transparency
  • Reptile, its Namibian subsidiary, won the Chamber of Mines 2020 InterMining Competition Award for Safety Operations for the third year running
  • Community projects that focus on early education, early childhood development, sport and the environment
  • Responsive to community needs at times of emergency – funding a logistic support for food parcels through Hands of Hope during COVID crisis
  • Recent COVID-19 assistance with hospital supplies and oxygenators

View all the 2021 Nominees