Africa Awards 2021 Nominees – Base Resources

By AAMEG | 27 August 2021

Image: Workers at the Toliara site in Madagascar are involved in ongoing training and development.

Best Workforce and Industry Development Initiative 

Toliara Apprentice Program 

  • Australian based, African focused, mineral sands producer and developer; Base Resources is a leader in the African resources industry with a track record of excellence in safety, community engagement and environmental stewardship
  • The Toliara Apprentice Program recruited 24 Malagasy youth from local communities and sent them to Base Resources’ operational mineral sands mine in Kenya for a 2-year apprentice program
  • To address specific skill shortages, the apprentice program focused on the high need skill sets of electrical, automotive, and industrial mechanics. Upon completion, apprentices received internationally recognised certification which will support their employment in Toliara, or elsewhere in Madagascar
  • Delivering the program at an operational mine site, allowed the apprentices to benefit from a larger number of mentors and trainers, including both Kenyan and expatriate staff
  • The Toliara apprentice program required a unique partnership between the Kenyan National Industrial Training Authority and Base Resources’ Malagasy and Kenyan operations

View all the 2021 Nominees