By Sarah Siva | 2 October 2023

Nominations for eligible candidates to stand for election to the AAMEG Board are now open until 16 October, ahead of the Annual General Meeting on 23 November 2023.
AAMEG wishes to call for expressions of interest for membership of the Board. The number of positions available will be confirmed with the notice of AGM. It is very important that we attract board members who are able to make a significant contribution to the AAMEG Board. With this in mind, it would be helpful if you would document on the Nomination Form, the skills, experience and time that you could bring to the organisation.
We value the contribution that the Board members make to the ongoing development and growth of AAMEG. Expectations and responsibilities include:
- Understanding the aims and mission of AAMEG
- Attending and being actively engaged in Board meetings, expected to be approximately ten per annum
- Monitoring the CEO and reviewing their performance and remuneration
- Helping to develop the AAMEG Strategy, ensuring goals and objectives are clearly identified and realistic
- Reviewing and approving the AAMEG Strategy, budgets and financial plans
- Monitoring the organisation’s performance in delivering benefits to its members
- Ensuring the integrity of the organisation’s operating practices and financial statements by providing appropriate oversight
- Ensuring AAMEG is adequately funded
The Board usually holds one planning session in each financial year, during which it reviews its past activities and develops an operating plan for the next twelve month period.
It is also expected that Board Members will be available when necessary, to participate in working groups and use resources available to them to develop discussion papers for Board review.
If you would like to nominate for an AAMEG Board position, please complete the nomination form below and return it to [email protected] by 5.00pm Monday 16 October, 2023.
The final list of candidates will be circulated together with notice of our AGM in late October.
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