Commonwealth Business Forum – Rwanda 21-23 June 2022

Event Date | 21 Jun - 23 Jun 2022

AAMEG is proud to be supporting the “Commonwealth Business Forum” (CBF) being held on the edges of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Rwanda this month.

The Forum provides multiple opportunities for one-to-one business meetings as well as networking during the specially programmed networking sessions and breaks, the Forum Reception and Gala Dinner. CBF 2022 will feature special invitation-only ‘Think Tank’ sessions to support the Government of Rwanda in developing policy areas for their time as Commonwealth Chair-in-Office.

CBF 2022 will be held on the three days preceding the Official Opening of CHOGM, to maximise the participation of visiting Heads of Government and their delegations. It will be addressed by Heads of Government, senior ministers, captains of industry, and board level business leaders from around the Commonwealth and beyond. CBF 2022 will also feature specially organised site visits for delegates and participants looking to further explore the opportunities in Rwanda.